Seat: Amfissa, postal code : 331 00
Telephone numbers : Metropolitan 0030-22650-28749, Vicar General 0030-22650-28114, offices 0030-22650-28224, fax no. 0030-22650-29146
E-mail addresses :
Internet website : http://www.imfokid.gr/
Most Rev. Theoktistos, Metropolitan of Phokis (secular name Theodoros Kloukinas), was born in 1954 in Sparta, where he received his primary and secondary education and was subsequently admitted to the Faculty of Theology of the University of Athens, from which he obtained his first degree in 1977.
He was tonsured monk in the Holy Monastery of Timios Prodromos at Stemnitsa of Gortynia in 1973, was ordained deacon in the same Monastery in 1973 and Presbyter and Archimandrite in 1977 in the Holy Church of Saint Nikolaos at Megalopolis by the late Theophilos, Metropolitan of Gortys and Megalopolis.
As of the year 1981 he ministered as Preacher of the Holy Metropolis of Gortys and Megalopolis, while at the same time serving as teacher of Theology in the High School of Megalopolis, of which he became and remained Principal for 5 years. In charge of the spiritual movement of the area of Megalopolis, which numbers 50 parishes, he ministered his Holy Metropolis for 36 years.
On October 14, 2009, he was elected Suffragan Bishop of the Holy Metropolis of Monemvassia and Sparta, bearing the title of the former Diocese of Androussa and was Bishop on October 25, 2009, in the Holy Church of Hosios Nikon of Sparta. He was elected Metropolitan of Phokis on June 25, 2014 and was enthroned on July 22 of the same year.
Press instrument : “Ecclesiastikon Vima”, periodical publication.
Men’s Monastery :
Timios Prodromos at Desphina, tel. no. 0030-22650-51698
Women’s Monasteries:
1) Prophet Elias at Parnassis, tel. no. 0030-22650-35002
2) Dormition of the Mother of God (“Theotokos”) at Varnakova, tel. / fax no. 0030-26340-51030
3) Leavetaking (“Apodosis”) of the Dormition of the Mother of God (“Theotokos”) of the Log
4) Transfiguration of the Saviour at Galaxidi, tel. no. 0030-22650-41934
New Monastery of Timios Prodromos at Desphina
Old Monastery of Timios Prodromos at Desphina
Travelogue from the Holy Monastery of Phokis, produced on Nov. 22, 2008