591 00 VERIA
0030-331-72622 (Metropolitan)
0030-331-22510 or 22270 (Secretariat)
Fax /E-mail
The Metropolitan
His Grace Metropolitan Panteleimon (Kalpakidis) was born in 1945 in Thessaloniki. He has studied Theology. He has done post-graduated studies in Oxford. He became monk in the Skete of Saint Ann in Mount Athos and was ordained a deacon in 1969 and a priest in 1976. He was elected and ordained as bishop in 1994.
Institutions/ Foundations
"Saint Sosipatros" Missionary Centre, two homes for the aged, one in Veria and one in Naousa.
"Pavlios Logos", (Saint Paul's Speech) bimonthly periodical.
1. For monks
· Saint Prodromos Skete- Tel: 0331-91198
· Panagia in Dovra- Tel: 0331-27599 or 71324
· Panagia Soumela in Kastania- Tel: 0331-88139 or 88137
2. For nuns
· Saint Prodromos in Naousa- Tel. 0332-51168
· Saint Athanasios Sfinitsas in Agathia- Tel: 0331-99231 or 99142
· Saint Kiriaki in Loutro- Tel: 0333-88350